Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just Fucking Great

Oooo look more Obama dick sucking.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Sore Losers

This past week, the Democrats reminded me once again why I left the party. None want to take responsibility for what happens to them. Growing up I played a lot of games (I still do) and learned quickly that we don’t always get what we want. Well the Whiners party either didn’t play any games or cheated to win.

First there was the whining of the Ohio vote in the presidential election. Of course there was a press conference. The Dems do love to hear themselves talk. Lead by Barbara Boxer from the too liberal state of California. Several democrats went on and on pontificating about how some people had to wait a couple of hours to vote. Hillary was there too. Come on did you think she wouldn’t be there. No one loves the sound of their own voice quite like Hillary. Strange thing is every Democrat started their comments with the statement Bush won the election. Notice Kerry played no part. He’s traveling in the Middle East. God forbid he should have to go back to work. He nearly took all of last year off for his run for the white house. Great job for the people of Massachusetts, thanks for putting this gut on the national stage. Does your junior senator do any work for you? Hey Democrats…you lost. Get over it.

The second came with the confirmation hearings for Alberto Gonzales. I find the word drowning coming from Senator Ted Kennedy to be extremely offensive and ironic. (Once again a big thank you to Massachusetts) And the condescending comment from Senator Joe Biden of Delaware. “We’re looking for candor, old buddy…I love you, but you’re not very candid so far.” I have never wanted to jump into another body that I did as I heard that whiny twit. I would have loved to hear Gonzales snap back, “I appreciate your affection, but I’m not here to be your buddy.” All this is for not because everyone says Gonzales will overwhelmingly be confirmed.

So what have we learned about the Dems this week. That they are so far from the power they crave, that they are left with playing the part of political speed bumps.